Friday, September 2, 2011

Day 24

Today Im 149.6...... only -0.7 pounds. that sucks!
and on top of that, I just had 3 bags of m&ms! Im sorry this isnt a happy post! but I just throw up to try to take out of my system all those calories.

Its like Im becoming that girl I used to hate again. And it took me a while to get my shit together, and now everthing is falling apart! I hate being this sad and worried all the time and I definitely dont enjoy puking. But Im gonna try to stay strong.

Yesterday I had like 5 cups of coffee, 18 almonds and a fat free yogurt! I was so proud of myself. But then I went to that birthday party and had chips and salsa, and cake! grrrrrrr. what is wrong with me! Im out of diet pills, and its getting a little hard. The weekend is here and Im super scared. Even worse for my mood swings, Phil (the guy Ive been seeing), didnt call yesterday! Its almost 1pm and he hasnt called. what the hell? I dont even know if we are in a relationship or what is this...... R E T A R D E D !

Decaff coffee............................................................. 0
18 almonds............................................................... 289
Activia Fat free yogurt............................................... 80
it was perfect 369 cal!

But then I decided to ingest chips and salsa and a slice of cake! I hate myself!
Why cant I just say NO, its not that hard..... N+O= NO!
To Weightless ---> I hope you did better than me! Im a loser. This weekend Im gonna exercise a lot! I always complain on not having enough time to run in the week, but the truth is that I do nothing on the weekends. Like parting and drinking were exercise... hmmmm.... I WISH! but its not! so, I have a plan to go out runing untill my legs hurt!

My parents are coming to visit me next weekend, and I just want them to see me better! I hate my moms first reaction everytime she comes to see me, since I left her house. "omg Anna, your face looks more rounded!" Geeee thanks mom! and my dad is "Sweety, when are u gonna cut carbs out of your diet." do I have the most amazing parents or what? hahahha......... So hopefully they will be happy Im thiner and will buy me a lot of stuff like clothes, shoes, jewelery and things for my apartment!
I need new rings hahaha, its funny how your fingers become smaller also. Some of the rings dont fit me anymore, I mean, they are too big for my fingers. thats a weird place to loose fat from I guess! hahaha



  1. You didn't even do bad especially since you still lost practically a pound !! Just keep going think of how thin you will be

  2. hey you still lost some girl!! and yay for being in the 140s!! yeah i got my rings re-sized down a few months ago and they are sliding all over the place again... you are doing great!! don't get discouraged!!

  3. You still lost! Right now I would kill to lose that lol. And you got into the 140's! x
